Saturday, 31 October 2015

Ice hockey fighting markets

15:32 Posted by The Thalesians (@thalesians) No comments
Ice hockey is one of those games, where even the casual observer can understand the basic gist of the game. You literally have to score goals to win, however difficult that might be. I don't claim to understand every rule of the game, but whenever I've watched it, it's been fast and fun to watch....

Saturday, 24 October 2015

The Fed mandate for chocolate

17:53 Posted by The Thalesians (@thalesians) No comments
For a moment, imagine you are in a chocolate shop or one which sells delightful cakes (as above). I suspect, your objective is to buy some chocolate or something similar. It is unlikely that you are visiting in order to lose weight. If you have a mandate to lose your weight, then visiting a chocolate...

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Burgers or macarons?

14:26 Posted by The Thalesians (@thalesians) No comments
​ We all face choices, every day of our life. However, often the questions we might ask ourselves aren't really choices, because we are not always forced to choose. For example, in a restaurant, when we browse a menu, there is not really a choice between a main course or a dessert. The courses are...

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Not always plane sailing

14:25 Posted by The Thalesians (@thalesians) No comments
​ Travelling is rarely about the journey. People generally don't fly across the Atlantic to endure hours up in the sky cramped in a seat for the sake of it. It's all about getting to your destination and the time you spend there. Yet, the journey bit is the inevitable part of the whole travelling...

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Trading cookies

20:36 Posted by The Thalesians (@thalesians) No comments
I've spent nearly a week in the USA, mostly to present my research at various funds, public talks and also at the Fed. I have admittedly, spent a rather large amount of my spare time sampling the most calorific parts of American cuisine: burgers, cheesecakes and cookies (including the one pictured...