Sunday, 30 November 2014

What's the best way to trade?

20:03 Posted by The Thalesians (@thalesians) 1 comment
Boston is to America what Cambridge and Oxford are to Britain. Indeed, the neighbouring town to Boston, Cambridge is named after its English predecessor and has within it both Harvard and MIT. Boston also served as one of the hot beds of the American revolution, being the home of the Boston Tea Party....

Friday, 14 November 2014

New York Style of Trading

15:26 Posted by The Thalesians (@thalesians) 1 comment
Martin Amis is a master of the English language. I remember reading one of his books (or maybe it was Hitchens quoting Amis, somehow after reading so many books, they all seem to coalesce into one another). The whole discussion in the book was an attempt to describe Las Vegas using a single word. I'll...

Friday, 7 November 2014

Learning Rhapsody

10:59 Posted by The Thalesians (@thalesians) No comments
I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo Figaro – magnifico Song lyrics, they always seem faintly odd, when written down on a page. In a sense, it’s akin...

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Write once, read many

00:25 Posted by The Thalesians (@thalesians) 1 comment
Youth vanishes from the stage first, supposedly to reappear in a later act, as wisdom. As each generation drifts into the past, its wisdom and experience seeps into the fabric of collective memory, weaving what will be called history. Just as the present is debated vigorously among its many actors,...